In collaboration with Cheval Assur

Are you a rider, professional or owner? Are you a regular or even daily rider? To protect yourself and your horse, you’ve probably already thought about taking out equestrian insurance, but you’re still hesitating… We asked Pauline Garnier, Account Manager at Cheval Assur to help you make sense of the situation and choose the right insurance for your riding and your horse’s specific needs. So you can live your passion to the full!
Why take out insurance?
Buying a horse is quite an adventure! Your health and comfort are your responsibility. Third-party liability, veterinary expenses, mortality – these are just some of the guarantees available to meet your needs as closely as possible, and which will complement the coverage offered by your FFE license.
Insuring your horse
Buying a horse is a major investment, and you want to cover yourself in the event of an accident, damage to a third party or illness. There are a number of different warranties to meet these different needs. Your choices will have to be adapted to your horse, your practice and your budget. An equine animal is not only an asset to be insured, but also a companion to be cared for when in pain, and a living being with the potential to injure someone. Below you’ll discover the different options available to you.
Protecting others
What happens if my horse damages equipment that doesn’t belong to me, or worse, injures someone? You’ve probably already asked yourself this question! Pauline Garnier explains with a concrete example “Imagine that your horse is grazing peacefully in his meadow, then in the middle of the night he decides to leave to eat the neighbor’s grass… on his way he steps on the pool cover and breaks it. The result: a fence to be redone, an estimate from the gardener to redo the lawn: €1,500 and repair of the cover for €3,000. “ We then ask him who is considered responsible in this case, and who should pay for the repairs. The expert answers: “Since it’s your horse that’s escaped from your home, you’re considered responsible and it’s up to you to settle the bill! Unless you are covered by ” third-party liability with no deductible This insurance contract has a fairly low premium (usually between €35 and €55 per year) and allows you to cover damage (often costly!) caused by your equine to a third party.”

Protecting yourself in the event of an unfortunate event
There are other situations that should be anticipated, even if you’d prefer not to think about them. You’ve emptied your Livret A passbook to finally buy your own horse, and you want to protect yourself in the event of death or theft? Here are the solutions offered by Cheval Assur : “We offer a package of guarantees that covers, among other things, theft of the horse, but also the death of the horse, whether due to accident or illness. The guarantee allows you to be reimbursed within 30 days at the insured value (approved value), with or without deductible – the choice is yours, depending on your budget.”
Anticipating veterinary expenses
The health of the horse is one of the owner’s main concerns. In the event of illness or complications, you’ll have peace of mind with dedicated coverage. Pauline Garnier alerts us ” As an insurer specializing in the equestrian world for over 20 years, we are well placed to confirm that veterinary expenses can add up fast! ” Depending on your needs and budget, the first step is to determine what you want to insure. The account manager explains the various options :
- The minimum: accidents and surgeries
- The right compromise: accidents, surgeries, illnesses
- The total: all this, plus comfort costs (vaccinations, deworming, dentistry)”.
She continues: “We often ask for a formula that covers colic, as treatment can be very expensive. But colic isn’t the only illness. We’re seeing an upsurge in piro-like diseases (piroplasmosis, ehrlichiosis etc.) caused by the proliferation of ticks.
Accidents, such as fractures, can quickly add up. Operated or not, they often require hospitalization and fairly extensive care. It’s also worth noting that the cost of veterinary fees varies enormously depending on the region in which you live, but also on the clinic where you consult.”

Insuring myself as a rider
You’ve taken care to protect your horse, but have you thought about yourself? Riding is a high-risk activity, and accidents can happen very quickly, whatever your level or discipline. Pauline Garnier sums up the situation: “Unfortunately, there are no recent studies on the subject, but slightly older figures point to 770 deaths and 6,000 riding accidents per year!”
Once again, she explains with the example of a situation well known to riders: “You’re on your obstacle course, and then a refusal causes you to fall… The doctor is definite, your leg is broken and you’re off work for 2 months.” We then ask him who will pay for your medical care and lost wages: ” For medical expenses (consultations, X-rays and other in-depth examinations), it’s the social security system that will cover them in the first instance, seconded by your mutual health insurance company if you’ve taken one out with no waiting period or substantial deductible, and provided it doesn’t exclude you from riding altogether! Social security may apply waiting periods (days during which you won’t be paid) to cover loss of salary in the event of sick leave. Compensation is limited to 50% of your basic daily wage. Some collective agreements may provide for your salary to be maintained (in full or in part).

This is where a provident-type contract comes in handy. At Cheval Assur, the rider’s insurance provides daily benefits to supplement your salary in the event of sick leave, as well as daily benefits in the event of hospitalization. ” And in the event of a more serious situation: “Lump sums are also available in the event of accidental death or permanent disability, to protect against the consequences of loss of independence (payment of a lump sum to cover the cost of home improvements). Thanks to these guarantees, you and your family will be well protected.
Now that you have the keys to choosing your insurance and that of your horse, you can directly contact the Cheval Assur team !